
[실제 영어 #04] 과거형 문장을 만들어 보자

마법사탕 2018. 8. 2. 21:24

한국어도 실제 대화에서 보면, 현재형 보다 과거형을 더 많이 사용하게 된다.

앞서 정리한 a, some, the 와 같은 관사의 활용과 in the, at a를 사용하여 문장을 만들어 보면 다음과 같다. 

I played some golf at a golf course.

I drank some green tea at a coffee shop. 

I read a novel at a library. 

I ate some watermelon at a beach. 

I took a TOEIC test at an academy. 

I visited an interesting museum. 

I made some lunch in the kitchen. 

I listened to some music in the bedroom. 

I put on some shoes and went to a park. 

I looked at some arts at a art gallery. 

I bought some shoes at a department store. 

I did some homework in my office at home. 

좀 더 표현을 다양하게 하기 위해서 When/Before/After를 써 주면 좋다. 

다만, When은 주어+동사로 된 문장이 와야 하고 Before/After는 -ing 가 오면 된다. 

After getting home

After finishing English classes

After finishing a meeting

After taking a shower

Before going to sleep

Before going to a coffee shop

Before watching some TV

Before going home

When I got to work

When I got up

When I got on a bus

When I got dressed

뒤에 to~를 붙여서 이유를 구체적으로 넣어주면 완전한 문장이 된다. 

I went to a store to buy some milk.

다음 문장에 to ~를 붙여 연습해 본다. 

I went to a corner store. 

I went to Kakao Talk.

I turned on the TV

I met my friends

I went to the living room. 

I went to Naver

I turned off the light

I went to the train station 

I turned on my computer 

I used a frying pan

I used a printer

I opened my notebook